What do scholars have to say about a matter that a shopkeeper says to a person, these are goods to be sold up to a price of fifty rupees, if you sell for more than that will be your wages, but this person’s daily wages aren’t set, is this permissible or not?
Question #: 226
March 07, 2014
Answer #: 226
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
This situation is not permissible, it is necessary for the shopkeeper to first fix wages for the person selling the goods.
"قال فی التاتارخانیۃ:وفی الدلال والسمسار یجب اجر المثل،وما تواضعوا علیہ ان فی کل عشرۃ دنانیر کذا،فذاک حرام علیھم۔" (الشامیۃ: 6/63)
"والخامس اجارۃ السمسار ،لا یجوز ذلک ،وکذلک لو قال:بع ھذاالثوب بعشرۃ دراھم فما زاد فھو ذلک ،وان فعل فلہ اجر المثل۔" ( النتف:348)
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
{Aasim Islam}
Checked and Approved By
{Mufti Abd-ul-Wahhab sb DB}
{Mufti Abd-ul-Naseer sb DB}